Practice Dr. Langowsky

Practice Dr. Langowsky | Website based on WordPress

Our client:

The practice of Dr. med. dent. Kathrin Langowsky directly at the market in Radeberg is a specialist dental practice for dentistry and oral surgery. The renowned dental practice offers "everything from one source". Its specialties include general dentistry, oral surgery and implantology, as well as the provision of high-quality dental prostheses made of aesthetic all-ceramics. With a warm smile, Dr. med. dent. Kathrin Langowsky has been practicing in Radeberg for over 20 years.

Our Mission:

Ms. Stix from CAMLOG developed the marketing concept for the new website. Dr. Langowsky wanted a modern web presence with the latest technology and a radiant look to inform her patients in detail about the practice's offerings. In close cooperation we realized her new internet presence based on WordPress.

Dr. Langowsky Mobile WordPress
Dr. Langowsky Tablet WordPress

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