Become your trainer
Become your trainer - Your education - Your way - Your success
Thomas Dold is the most successful stair and backward runner in the world, winning all major races in New York, Sao Paulo, Berlin, Vienna, Qatar, Beijing, Singapore, Taiwan, Sydney and many more. Today he has many DOSB coaching licenses in running, triathlon and soccer. He has been passing on his knowledge and experience as a coach for 20 years, enabling athletes to achieve their respective sporting goals - whether at professional or amateur level.
Thomas Dold makes it his mission to inspire others for his passion and to encourage healthy running. He does this not only in the form of his website and the new e-learning platform, but also with various keynote speeches as well as his mentoring and coaching sessions. In these areas, however, Thomas Dold not only wants to talk about his passion, but also teach others how to grow as a person and rest within themselves at the same time.
In order to inspire more people to run more beautifully, faster and, above all, healthier, he has started a new joint project.
Together with Thomas Dold we realized an e-learning platform based on WordPress. The goal was to make "Become your trainer" accessible to everyone, always and everywhere, through responsive web design. The e-learning platform is free and accessible to everyone. It is designed not only to encourage running, but also to teach important theoretical lessons in the process. What makes the e-learning courses special is that it is a non-profit community project and is intended to grow as such.
Learning to walk - but how?
In four courses, you learn to run more beautifully, better, healthier. The target group visits the e-learning platform primarily with their smartphone. So the courses are accessible on the go, anytime, anywhere. "Become your coach" is suitable for everyone - whether beginners, recreational runners or practiced professionals.
Thomas Dold shares his experiences with videos, texts and tests. Every runner has the chance to improve so free of charge and benefit from the experience of others.