City Museum Baden-Baden Turgenev

Turgenev - conceptual and technical realization of the virtual exhibition

Our client:

Ivan Sergeyevich Turgenev was one of the most important Russian writers. He was one of the first writers in Russian literature to address the everyday hardships and anxieties of Russian society. The Freundeskreis Stadtmuseum/Stadtarchiv Baden-Baden e.V. had the task to realize an exhibition in real as well as in virtual space.

Our Mission:

The Freundeskreis Stadtmuseum/Stadtarchiv Baden-Baden e.V. supports the realization of the exhibition. The exhibition design was realized by the agency JG & Partner. Our mission was the technical and conceptual realization of the exhibition in virtual space in close cooperation with the partners. A successful example for solutions in times of contact restrictions.

360° tour Turgenev website

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